
Musician, Artist, Photographer,computer geek and weight loss surgery aficionado.  On March 30th, 2001, I had weight loss surgery weighing in at 260 pounds.  Since that day I have lost and maintained a 130 pound loss. Yoga and walking my dog were the only exercise I was getting until I started with an instructor and creator of “Body Juggling”.  Click on the picture on the bottom of this page and it will take you to the site.

I am a passionate animal lover, I play guitar and sing, play piano, cello, a bit of drums and the recorder (kinda like a flute). I love putting my photography and music together on video and I’m a craft making fool.

What best describes what I do:  I’m here for each of you…to hold your hand as I walk down the road ahead of you. When I see the bumps in the road, I’ll tell you where they are and that makes an easier journey for you. And when you get down the road, you can reach back your hand and help the ones coming in behind you and so it goes…and the ripple in the pond becomes a tidal wave of healing water for so many to follow.

Playing the Cello

Please feel free to contact me. I am certified as a Health and Wellness Coach and volunteer in order to give back to the community that gave me so much in the beginning.

It’s all about paying it forward….and not sweating the small stuff.

Many blessings, Yvonne (aka bariatricgirl.com).

Before picture












Photography website www.yvonnemccarthy.com

Conniecast: Tennie McCarty on Food Addiction with Connie Stapleton, Tennie McCarty, Laura Preston and Yvonne McCarthy

Conniecast2: Food Addiction and Recovery with Connie Stapleton, Jaime Fivecoat, and Yvonne McCarthy

Conniecast: Weight Regain with Connie Stapleton, Frank Surace, Laura Preston, and Yvonne McCarthy

Featured in Cracker Jack Nutrition Article – April 2017

KDAF 33 Dallas – Bod Pod Story

Second Chance in Life – Real Self site

Weight Loss Surgery Journeys – WLS Channel

Weight loss surgery transforms Yvonne McCarthy into ‘Bariatric Girl’ – WLS Channel

Article and video – ASMBS Dallas – June 2009 first day wrap with Craig Thompson (WLS Channel) and Chef Dave

Article and video – ASMBS Dallas – June 2009  with Craig Thompson (WLS Channel), Dr. Robert and Dr. Garth Davis, Chef Dave day 2

Article and video – ASMBS Dallas – June 2009 with Craig and Leslie Thompson (WLS Channel) day 3 wrap up



Body Juggling

Body Juggling training