Obesity Help Event Dallas 2009
Posted on 09/29/2009 by Yvonne McCarthy / No Comments / Leave a Comment »
WOW What a time we had in Dallas!! I spoke and I was so happy my husband and my dad and stepmom came too. Awesome new faces and even TWELVE members in attendance from the first OH Event in Arlington 2004. I so wish we had gotten a group picture of us…
Happy reunions getting to see long time friends that are rarely in Dallas. Bo is smiling huh?
And so many good talks and fun at the fashion show.
(I let my freak flag fly in the floppy hat)
Thanks to someone else for the fashion show shot but unfortunately we didn’t get everyone in.
And then the big event of the day was….Ramon asking Debra to marry him!
Like Bo said, you just never know what you’re going to see at an Obesity Help event do you?
I hope to have the videos I did during my presentation up for viewing soon. One was a tribute to the many lives that Obesity Help has saved and the second one was a tribute to Kirk Thompson. (Crow)
We lost a beautiful man this year and it was important to pay homage to him and Bo’s words could not have been better chosen.
If you’d like to see the entire album of pictures, you can view them here:
So thank you to everyone that participated and made this a time that shall never be forgotten.
Many blessings to the many that showed me so much love…it was so much appreciated.
Love and light, Yvonne
Video about Crow